160 discussion posts
The Clipboard Fusion application isn't maintaining its position on top of other windows as intended. To temporarily fix this, I go to the settings and uncheck the "Clipboard Manager always on top" option, then hit apply and ok. This allows the "Show clipboard manager" feature to stay on top initially, but after a couple of instances, it reverts to going behind other windows on subsequent attempts.
160 discussion posts
Still a problem. Not staying on top and does not remember last position.
Troubleshooting infomration provided
• Attachment [protected]: [37,821 bytes]
160 discussion posts
Didn't I already?
Anyway, I opened troubleshooting tab and refresehd L1 and the clipboard is now staying on top. I'll run it again when the issue occurs.
160 discussion posts
same problem occurs. cbf will only display on-top while settings is open and L1 enabled. after which cbf seems to operate correctly until windows restart or application restart.
• Attachment [protected]: [40,690 bytes]
8 days ago (modified 8 days ago)