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7 discussion posts
I have noticed several times strange behavior when doing Print Screen in remote RDP session connected via Roayl TS.
- Royal TS is free for up to 10 connection, so you can freely install and check it.

Steps to reproduce:
- Connect to remote machine via Royal TS (have connectoion in windowed mode - not full screen)
- In remote session press Print Screen to take screen into clipboard
- Move back to main machine open MSpaint and paste it there

The picture is shifted by 6 px to right. See screenshot.
- When I close ClipboardFusion the issue the issue does not appear.

My OS is Windows 8 b9200(also happened witn Windows 7 SP1) and I'm connecting several virutal machines - all with Windows Servers 2003, 2008 R2 and etc. The issue is OS independent - no matter on which OS I'll connect it is still shifted.
• Attachment: ShiftRightBy6px.png [116,927 bytes]
Sep 12, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Strange! I actually use Royal TS here as well (great app), so I'll test this out next week and add it to our list to fix :)

Sep 13, 2013  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I've tried testing this out, but when I'm in the remote session (external window, not full screen) and press Print Screen, it captures my entire local desktop, not just the remote session. Is there something I'm missing?
Sep 18, 2013  • #3
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7 discussion posts
if PrintScreen captures whole desktop(main Windows + RoyalTS UI and Windows in RDP session) you probably had mouse focus on main Windows.
- Click into RDP session - like you would make print screen only in the Windows in RDP session.

- Also check if you don't have running any screen capturing tool(WinSnap, MS Snipping Tool, or other). They may map(and steel) PrintScreen key and perform "whole desktop" action.

- Basically PrintScreen should copy screen of the Windows only in RDP session - RoyalTS UI should not be visible - and the picture in the clipboard should have dimensions like the RDP screen.

- I have tried it also in External window. I use Embeded connection-in the tab. But the issue appears in both sittuations.
Sep 27, 2013  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I must be missing something :(

I don't have any screen capture tools running. I am indeed clicking inside the RDP session, and I've got the deep keyboard hooks enabled in Royal TS.

Are there any other settings I need to enable in Royal TS to make it screenshot only the RDP session when I press Print Screen?
Sep 27, 2013  • #5
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7 discussion posts
I have unchecked Use deep keyboard hooks - but there was no change when I enabled that.
- If you right click on some RDP connection in Navigation(left panel) - Properties
- I have checked both options Advanced - Keyboard - Accelerator Passthrough and Windows Keys Passthrough
- Redirection - only Clipboard is checked - if uncheked nothing goes to Clipboardfusion from RDP.

Windows Keys Passthrough looks to be the settings. When I disabled it - it took the whole screen.
- Check it, apply, close the session and reconnect again.
Sep 30, 2013  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks, that did the trick! I was able to reproduce the issue here, and we'll add it to our list. We'll post an update as soon as we're able to get it fixed up :)
Sep 30, 2013  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just a quick update on this. We were able to reproduce this issue even without ClipboardFusion, if we had Photoshop CC running. It seems like it might be a bug with Royal TS when any program that messes with the clipboard is running. I've emailed the Royal TS team to let them know, and I'll post an update when I hear back :)

Oct 7, 2013  • #8
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7 discussion posts
That's interesting. Thanks for the info.
Oct 9, 2013  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, so it turns out that it's actually an issue with Microsoft's ActiveX RDP control which Royal TS. The same problem also occurs in a normal Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection window.

Unfortunately there's nothing we can do, but if you add Royal TS to the "Ignore Programs" list in the ClipboardFusion Settings, then ClipboardFusion won't mess with the clipboard when it's been set by Royal TS, and your screenshots should come out just fine :)
Oct 9, 2013  • #10
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