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James Chung
15 discussion posts
All my macros are there by name, but the contents are now gone...
Sep 12, 2013  • #1
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James Chung
15 discussion posts
ugh... going to throw up, spent a day making customized search macros for my company intranet and third party sites...
Sep 12, 2013  • #2
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James Chung
15 discussion posts
phew, found the code in the .reg backup file... although now it wasn't working as it was before...
Sep 12, 2013  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Hi James, I'm sorry to hear that! I'm guessing you've found the .REG files from the auto-backup, your code should all be in there. If you need help importing them just post the .REG file and we can give you a hand.
Sep 12, 2013  • #4
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James Chung
15 discussion posts
thanks... I got that part figured out though. just copy and paste the text and replace \" with "

Now if I could only figure out why the code worked fine yesterday with 3.0.0 and not today with 3.0.1
Sep 12, 2013  • #5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
That is very strange, were you upgrading from 2.x or 3.0.0 when you lost your macros?
Sep 12, 2013  • #6
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James Chung
15 discussion posts
I was going from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1.

I just bought the software a few days ago. Everything was working great up until after I updated today thinking it was just a minor update.

Sep 12, 2013  • #7
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
No one else has reported the issue, and everyone here at the office has their macros intact still. It doesn't appear to be a wide-spread issue, but I'm working right now to try and reproduce the issue so we can get it sorted out.

Which version of Windows are you using? Which type of ClipboardFusion installation did you use initially (EXE, MSI or ZIP?) and what did you use when you updated to 3.0.1? Thanks!
Sep 12, 2013  • #8
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James Chung
15 discussion posts
Hi Jon,

I used the .exe as the initial installer for 3.0.0. I used the upgrade prompt from the program...

I realized my issue was really because I tried to restore the .reg using the restore button thinking it would fix my macros. When I upgraded to 3.0.1, my macros stopped working, so I tried doing a restore, and the code was all changed to the default code. The macro names were all there, hot keys, but all the code was gone.

That's when I really panicked.

Hope this helps.
Sep 12, 2013 (modified Sep 12, 2013)  • #9
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