Processing Ajax...







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Show List of Macros

This Macro will show a pop-up dialog with a list of Macros that you can run. Just replace the Macro names in the "MenuEntries" variable at the top of the script, with the names of your Macros.
Minimum Version
Created By
Date Created
Oct 5, 2016
Date Last Modified
Oct 6, 2016

Macro Code

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;

**This Macro will show a pop-up dialog with a list of Macros that you can run.
**Just replace the Macro names in the "MenuEntries" variable at the top of the script, with the names of
**your Macros.
**eg:{{ "PaleGreen", "Black", "Copy and Append", "Copy and &Append selected text", "cb-content" }},
**- "PaleGreen" is the background color
**- "Black" is the foreground-(text) colorQ
**- "Copy and Append" is the macro name as it appears in your macro list
**- "Copy and &Append selected text" is the text you will see in the popup, here the "A" is set as hotkey
**- "cb-content" can be "image", "text", "all". It defines if the entry is clickable or not. If the macro needs
**an image in the clipboard, the entry is disabled if there's only text on the cb.
**Color names can be found here:
**Add an ampersand (&) at the fourth parameter to get a hotkey for the entry.
**  eg:{{ "Pink", "Maroon", "--- Cancel ---", "--- &Cancel ---" }},
**{{ "PaleGreen", "Black", "Copy and Append", "Copy and &Append selected text" }},
**If you want an entry to cancel the action please use:
**{{ "Background color", "Foreground color", "--- Cancel ---", "--- &Cancel ---" }},
** You can also click outside the popup or press ESC to cancel/close.

public static class ClipboardFusionHelper
	public static string ProcessText(string text)

		// These are all of the macros from the "Macros" list.
		// See description above.
		string[, ,] MenuEntries = 
			//{{ "Background-Color", "Foreground-Color", "Macro-Name", "Menu entry text", "image text all" }}
			{{ "Pink", "Maroon", "--- Cancel ---", "--- Cancel ---", "all" }},
			{{ "Khaki", "Black", "Remove Extra White Spaces and Trim", "&1 Remove Extra White Spaces and Trim", "text" }},
			{{ "Khaki", "Black", "Replace special chars with spaces, Trim", "&2 Replace special chars with spaces then Trim", "text" }},
			{{ "BurlyWood", "Black", "Auto-Type Clipboard Text", "Auto-&Type Clipboard Text", "text" }},
			{{ "BurlyWood", "Black", "Show History Drop-Down List, Modify", "Show &History Drop-Down List, and modify value", "text" }},
			{{ "PaleGreen", "Black", "Copy and Append", "Copy and &Append selected text", "text" }},
			{{ "Aquamarine", "Black", "Decode Base64-Encoded Text (UTF-8)", "Decode Base64-Encoded Text (UTF-8)", "text" }},
			{{ "Aquamarine", "Black", "Decode URL-Encoded Text", "Decode URL-Encoded Text", "text" }},
			{{ "Aquamarine", "Black", "Encode Text (UTF-8) using Base64-Encoding", "Encode Text (UTF-8) using Base64-Encoding", "text" }},
			{{ "Aquamarine", "Black", "Encode Text using URL-Encoding", "Encode Text using URL-Encoding", "text" }},
			{{ "Darkseagreen", "Black", "Search For Copied Text using", "Search for text in clipboard using &", "text" }},
			{{ "Darkseagreen", "Black", "URL Grabber", "URL Grabber", "text" }},
			{{ "White", "Black", "Save Copied Image to Disk", "Save &image in clipboard to disk", "image" }},
			{{ "Pink", "Maroon", "--- Cancel ---", "--- Cancel ---", "all" }}

		// Create a new ContextMenuStrip to show the items
		using(ContextMenuStrip menu = new ContextMenuStrip())
			// Don't show the padding on the left of the menu
			menu.ShowCheckMargin = false;
			menu.ShowImageMargin = false;

			string cbContent = "";
			if ( BFS.Clipboard.HasText() ) cbContent = "text";
			if ( Clipboard.ContainsImage() ) cbContent = "image";

			// Add items to the menu, and use custom function when the user clicks on the items
			for ( int i = 0; i < MenuEntries.GetLength(0); i++ ) {
				ToolStripMenuItem item = new ToolStripMenuItem(MenuEntries[i, 0, 3]);
				item.Click += MenuItem_Click;
				item.BackColor = Color.FromName( MenuEntries[i, 0, 0]);
				item.ForeColor = Color.FromName( MenuEntries[i, 0, 1]);
				item.Tag = MenuEntries[i, 0, 2];
				if ( (MenuEntries[i, 0, 4] == cbContent) || (MenuEntries[i, 0, 4] == "all") || (cbContent == "") )
					item.Enabled = true;
					item.Enabled = false;

			// Finally show the popup menu
			menu.Show(new Point(BFS.Input.GetMousePositionX(), BFS.Input.GetMousePositionY()), ToolStripDropDownDirection.AboveRight);

			// Set focus to the menu
			BFS.Window.SetAlwaysOnTop(menu.Handle, true);

			// Wait for the menu to close
		return null;

	**This function will get the text of the clicked item and try to run it as a ClipboardFusion Macro.
	private static void MenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
		ToolStripItem item = sender as ToolStripItem;
		if (item == null) return;
		// Get the macro name
		string macroName = item.Tag as String;
		if ( (macroName == "--- Cancel ---") || (macroName == "") ) return;

		string text = BFS.Clipboard.GetText();
		if (text == null) text = "";
		// Return values
		string rText = "";
		string rError = "";
		// Run the macro
		BFS.ClipboardFusion.RunMacro(macroName, text, out rText, out rError);
		// Any errors?
		if ( rError != "" ) {
			BFS.Dialog.ShowMessageError("An error has occurred:\n"+rError);
		} else {