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Combine Last N History Items with Numbering and Seperation Options

This is a modification of Keith Lammers script of a similar name that allows you the additional options of choosing the text your history items are concatenated with and numbering the output.
Minimum Version
Created By
A Computer User
Date Created
Mar 30, 2023
Date Last Modified
Mar 30, 2023

Macro Code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

// The 'text' parameter will contain the text from the:
//   - Current Clipboard when run by HotKey
//   - History Item when run from the History Menu
// The returned string will be:
//   - Placed directly on the Clipboard when run as a Macro
//   - Ignored by ClipboardFusion if it is 'null'
//   - Passed along to the next action in a Trigger (null changed to an empty string)
public static class ClipboardFusionHelper
	public static string ProcessText(string text)
		string spaces = "        ";
		string prompt = "<int: Number to combine>\n";
		prompt += "<int: Number to combine> <bool: Include number?>\n";
		prompt += "<int: Number to combine> <bool: Include number?> <string: Text to splice with>\n";
		prompt += "EX:\n";
		prompt += $"{spaces}//Example 1: Numbered and newline seperated\n";
		prompt += $"{spaces}//1: [your text 0]\n";
		prompt += $"{spaces}//2: [your text 1]\n";
		prompt += $"\n{spaces}2 true \\n\n\n";
		prompt += $"{spaces}//Example 2: Newline seperated\n";
		prompt += $"{spaces}//[your text 0]\n";
		prompt += $"{spaces}//[your text 1]\n";
		prompt += $"\n{spaces}2 false \\n\n\n";
		prompt += $"{spaces}//Example 3: Semi-colon seperated\n";
		prompt += $"{spaces}//[your text 0];[your text 1]\n";
		prompt += $"\n{spaces}2 false ;";
		//Output:\n    //2: [your text 0]\n    2 true \\n\n    2 false ;";
		string[] input = BFS.Dialog.GetUserInput($"{prompt}", "2").Split(' ');
		bool includeNumeration = false;
		if (input.Length > 1)
			if (!Boolean.TryParse(input[1], out includeNumeration))
				BFS.Dialog.ShowTrayMessage("Second Parameter (Boolean) Conversion Failed.");
		string input_split_text = input.Length > 2 ? string.Join(" ", new System.ArraySegment<string>(input, 2, input.Length - 2)) : "\n";
		input_split_text = Regex.Unescape(input_split_text);
		int numberOfItems = Convert.ToInt32(input[0]);
		string output = String.Empty;
		for (int i = 0; i < numberOfItems; i++)
			output = output + $"{(includeNumeration ? (i + 1).ToString() + ": " : "")}" + BFS.ClipboardFusion.GetHistoryText(i).Trim();
			if (i < numberOfItems - 1)
				output = output + input_split_text;
		//BFS.Dialog.ShowMessageInfoMonospaced($"input: {string.Join(" | ", input)}\nincludeNumeration: {input[1]}|{includeNumeration}\ninput_split_text: {input_split_text}\nnumberOfItems: {numberOfItems}\noutput:\n{output}");
		return output;