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ClipboardFusion Change Log

v5.2 • November 13, 2017

  • HotKeys will now be bound properly after restoring the Settings
  • The Clipboard Manager will now center on the Desktop correctly
  • Triggers will now properly ignore programs on the "Ignore Programs" list
  • One-key navigation will now properly loop back to the top of the focused list
  • "Move Down" option for the Online Pinned Item list will now work properly
  • General fixes and improvements

v5.1.1 • October 6, 2017

  • You can now use the Clipboard Manager to paste to the Desktop
  • Pressing Shift+Enter in the Clipboard Manager will now set the Clipboard with the selected item, but not paste
  • Open Clipboard Manager Tab item in the Tray Menu lists has been moved to the top of the list
  • Advanced Setting added to allow the first item to be ignored when using One Key Navigation
  • The "Move Down" option for the Online Pinned Items now works currently
  • Clipboard Manager Paste Target label now clears properly
  • Tray Menu Lists now show an empty item when the list is empty
  • Online Tray Menu Lists are now hidden when using the free version, or when syncing is disabled
  • The first item can now be selected with One Key Navigation enabled

v5.1 • October 4, 2017

  • First 10 Items of the Clipboard History added to the tray menu
  • First 10 Items of the Local Pinned Menu added to the tray menu
  • Online Recent Items added to the tray menu
  • Online Pinned Items added to the tray menu
  • Macros added to the tray menu
  • HotKey error messages will no longer show when syncing
  • Duplicate Macro names are no longer allowed
  • UI Improvements
  • BFS.Dialog.GetUserInputList has been fixed
  • Triggers with a scrubbing action will no longer clear the Clipboard when there is no text
  • The Settings window will no longer stop responding when importing multiple Macros
  • Menu items in the Preview Popup window are now localized
  • The tray menu will now open in the correct spot
  • Default Database Location button in the Settings window now uses the correct path
  • You can now edit a Macro from the Clipboard Manager
  • Editing items no longer gets rid of leading and trailing whitespace
  • General fixes and improvements

v5.0 • September 28, 2017

  • Notice: ClipboardFusion no longer supports Windows XP or Vista. To use ClipboardFusion with these operating systems, you will need to use an older version of ClipboardFusion
  • Notice: Now requires the .NET Framework 4.6 (installed automatically if needed)
  • Change: The Clipboard History Menu and Online Item Manager have been combined as the Clipboard Manager
  • Change: ClipboardFusion Triggers! Text scrubbing has been replaced by a new and fully customizable feature. Your old settings will be converted automatically.
  • Change: The default HotKey to open the Clipboard Manager is ctrl+`
  • Change: ClipboardFusion now supports copying files and folders
  • Change: The first 10 items in each History list are numbered, and accessible with the number keys
  • Change: Clipboard History item size has been greatly increased
  • Change: The Clipboard Manager can be set up to behave as a window
  • Change: The Clipboard Manager can now type text into a window instead of copying it
  • Change: You can now customize the single click and double click tray icon actions
  • Change: The Clipboard History will now retain all entries between application start ups
  • Change: Added Local Pinned Items
  • Change: All saved Clipboard Data is now encrypted locally
  • Change: ClipboardFusion is now fully localized
  • Change: Major changes to support multi-DPI scaling in Windows 10
  • Change: Improved Windows 10 compatibility (Anniversary and Creators updates)
  • Change: You can now drag and drop items from the Clipboard Manager
  • Change: You can now edit Clipboard History items
  • Change: New command line options to open the Settings window, and pause or resume the Clipboard Listener (-settings, -pause, -resume)
  • Change: Shift+Left Click on the Clipboard Manager will set the Clipboard, but not auto-paste
  • Change: You can now reorder pinned lists by dragging and dropping
  • Change: The Macro list has been moved into the Clipboard Manager
  • Change: New tray icons
  • Change: Text Replace now supports Regular Expressions
  • Change: Quick Select for Local Pinned and History Menu are now a free feature
  • Change: The Macro list now show which Macros are being used by Triggers and Tray Click Actions
  • Change: Macro editor improvements
  • Change: You can now add your own assemblies to ClipboardFusion Macros
  • Change: New Macro functions to scrub text
  • Change: New Macro functions to add/edit/remove items from the Clipboard History, Online Recent, and Online Pinned items
  • Change: New Macro functions to pause and resume the Clipboard Listener
  • Change: New Macro functions and Hotkeys for Local Pinned Items
  • Change: New Macro Functions to access the selected list and selected item in the Clipboard Manager
  • Change: New HotKey: Clear Clipboard Contents
  • Change: New HotKey: Pause/Resume ClipboardFusion
  • Change: New HotKey: Toggle Excel Escape after Copy
  • Change: New HotKey: Show Default Item Menu
  • Change: New HotKey: Show Default Item Menu with Query TextBox Focused
  • Change: New Hotkey: Show Preview Popup
  • Change: You are now able to download more than one pre-made Macro at a time
  • Change: Support for the 'Clipboard Viewer Ignore' format
  • Change: History List tooltips now show the source of the data, and the date it was made
  • Change: You can now adjust the minimum time ClipboardFusion pays attention to changes on the Clipboard
  • Change: You can now run Macros from the Clipboard Manager with the item text as the text that gets passed into the Macro
  • Change: You can now choose to hide the ClipboardFusion Online tabs in the pro version
  • Change: You can now import and export multiple Macros at a time
  • Change: You can now disable notifications when pinning an item from a HotKey
  • Change: The Clipboard Preview now wraps text
  • Change: "Double Copy" and "Not on Double Copy" trigger command improvements
  • Change: Clipboard Manager list items that contain only whitespace now have text labelling them as "[Whitespace]"
  • Change: You can now disable the Clear Clipboard History prompt
  • Change: The Clipboard Preview Popup now has title text
  • Change: Better support for transparent images
  • Fix: Resolved many crashing issues
  • Fix: Scrub Clipboard and Paste HotKey now pastes every time
  • Fix: Macro duplicating and editing issues have been resolved
  • Fix: Online Recent Item list is now updated properly
  • Fix: Online Syncing Poll Interval setting now works as intended
  • Fix: Auto-Scrub Except on Double Copy now works
  • Fix: BFS.ClipboardFusion.RunMacro function now works correctly
  • Fix: Syncing Macros no longer tries to apply HotKeys to other computers
  • Fix: Syncing Macros no longer makes duplicates
  • Fix: Resolved a crashing issue when copying from Microsoft Office programs
  • Fix: Resolved an issue where you couldn't save an image from the image popup
  • Fix: Resolved an issue where toggling auto-scrub sometimes failed
  • Fix: ClipboardFusion will no longer freeze
  • Fix: ClipboardFusion will no longer cause Excel to show a "Data is too large and will be truncated" error
  • Fix: The preview popup will now keep the aspect ratio of previewed images
  • Fix: You will no longer be able to select duplicate single and double click actions
  • Fix: Sync all Clipboard Text automatically should now work correctly
  • Fix: "Share your code with the community" link now works
  • Fix: Excel "Image is too large" error will no longer show when ClipboardFusion is running
  • Fix: ClipboardFusion now copies data from OneNote correctly
  • Fix: BFS.Dialog.GetUserInputList will now display correctly
  • Fix: Online Syncing fixes

v4.2 • December 2, 2015

  • Added the ability to assign hotkeys for pasting History items 1-9
  • Clipboard syncing improvements
  • General UI Improvements
  • You can now search your Recent and Pinned Clipboard Items
  • Increased the number of viewable Recent and Pinned Clipboard Items from 50 to 75
  • You can now preview colours by hovering over them in the Clipboard History
  • Resolved an issue where the image preview overlapped the tray menu
  • The ClipboardFusion Online login will no longer be off the screen at high DPI settings
  • The copy button on the Macros tab in the Settings Window will now work
  • HTML colours that start with a '#' will now be detected
  • The "Show a message when clearing the Clipboard History" option will now work correctly

v4.1 • September 14, 2015

  • Improved the speed of the Popup Window with images
  • Resolved some DPI scaling issues in Windows 10
  • Clearing the clipboard will no longer cause issues with images in the Clipboard History
  • The Tray Icon will now update correctly when selecting Clipboard History and Online Items
  • Resolved some issues with the Clipboard History menus

v4.0 • September 4, 2015

  • Fully Windows 10 tested and compatible
  • ClipboardFusion will now show a preview of the current clipboard contents when middle-clicking the Tray Icon
  • Added a HotKey to open the Quick History Menu to the first Clipboard History Item
  • Macros can now have a description
  • Added the ability to order the Text Replace rules
  • Added support for per-monitor DPI scaling
  • Added many new scripting functions
  • ClipboardFusion can now interact with elevated applications
  • General stability and performance improvements
  • Resolved an issue where items sometimes auto-pasted from the tray clipboard history

v3.5 • July 17, 2015

  • Colours in the tray Clipboard History menu and Quick Clipboard History menu now show a preview
  • BFSendKey improvements, added a new modifier for Japanese keyboards
  • Text scrubbing improvements
  • Syncing improvements
  • Macros will now import properly

v3.4 • June 15, 2015

  • Added options to scrub line breaks and tabs from the beginning and end of text
  • Added a dozen new macro scripting functions
  • Fixed issues with automatically copying and pasting on 32-bit machines
  • Fixed an issue where the quick history menu didn't scroll properly

v3.4 • June 16, 2015

  • Added options to scrub line breaks and tabs from the beginning and end of text
  • Added a dozen new macro scripting functions
  • Fixed issues with automatically copying and pasting on 32-bit machines
  • Fixed an issue where the quick history menu didn't scroll properly
  • Fixed an issue with sending keypresses

v3.3.1 • May 25, 2015

  • Fixed up the "Scrub line breaks" and "Scrub tabs" options
  • Resolved an issue where auto-paste didn't work on some non-English versions of Windows
  • Resolved an issue that broke macros that use "System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode"

v3.3 • May 20, 2015

  • Macros that return a null value will not fail, instead they will not modify the Clipboard
  • New macro API functions
  • SendKeys improvements
  • Added an option to clear the Clipboard History after being idle for a time
  • Added an option to clear the Clipboard after being idle for a time
  • Added controls to clear all of the Pinned and Recent Online Clipboard Items from your account

v3.2 • March 4, 2015

  • Added a new hotkey to sync with your ClipboardFusion Online account
  • Improved BFS.Input.SendKey functionality
  • Greatly improved macro performance
  • General UI Improvements

v3.1.1 • January 2, 2015

  • Improved compatibility with applications that don't release their clipboard locks correctly
  • Fixed some minor issues

v3.1 • December 18, 2014

  • Added notifications for new recent and pinned items from other devices
  • Improved clipboard integration
  • Improved history menu navigation

v3.0.9 • August 13, 2014

  • Added an all-new Macro editor, with dozens of new Macro functions to use

v3.0.8 • July 3, 2014

  • Added a new MacroAPI Function: SendKeys
  • Significantly improved the Macro Editor window
  • Adding new sync items quickly no longer skips some items
  • After 15 failed consecutive login attempts, ClipboardFusion will stop trying to sync until you re-enter your password to prevent your account from being locked on the server

v3.0.7 • June 18, 2014

  • Resolved an issue that may prevent items from being deleted on the first attempt
  • Improved UI compatibility when Font Scaling is enabled in Windows

v3.0.6 • June 16, 2014

  • Added an option to toggle the tray icon single-click for disabling scrubbing
  • Resolved an issue that prevented some items from being deleted in the "Manage Items" window
  • Resolved an issue with pasting text into RDP windows

v3.0.5 • May 2, 2014

  • Now uses the new Binary Fortress Software standard icons
  • No longer shows an error for every failed sync
  • General performance, compatibility and UI improvements